Your way to happy look

Dental services with Health Pilgrims

Dental Services in Ukraine

Nowadays, a beautiful smile and snow-white teeth are associated with the appearance of someone who knows what success and confidence is. What we often forget is that healthy teeth are not only about a beautiful smile or the ability to chew without suffering, but also vigor, energy, optimism and better performance. Moreover, dental wellness is related to overall health by having a direct effect and connection on a person’s nervous and circulatory system through a majority of internal organs.

So, when making a decision to go in for what could just seem to be a small dental concern, you might actually be preventing any issues that could impact your overall health. In order to develop a comprehensive and sustainable dental solution that addresses most medical and cosmetic issues, our doctors conduct quick and accurate diagnostics by using the latest techniques and equipment.    

A recent survey performed in America shows that 75% of the population believe that an “unattractive” smile can negatively impact their career. At the same time 95% believe that a pleasant smile contributes to success in their personal lives. 

We believe that a beautiful beaming smile is not just about being attractive, but more about self-confidence.


  • Osstem Dental Implant $450
  • Straumann Dental Implant $750
  • Ceramic dental restoration $400
  • Porcelain fused metal crown $170
  • E-max Ceramic Inlay/Onlay $400

Our Dental Specialists

Serhii Omelianchuk
Lead Orthopedist / Medical Director
With 20 years of extensive experience, Serhii specializes in complex oral rehabilitation and aesthetic dentistry.

If you decide to improve your smile using ceramic restorations (veneers, crowns, ceramic fillings) or restore lost teeth with implants, Sergii will help you choose the best treatment scheme complying with all your needs and wishes in the best way

“Have you ever noticed that people with a beautiful smile feel more relaxed and confident? A beautiful smile is not just an advantage; it is an important psychological feature that helps people to achieve inner harmony. And I am happy that I can help people to achieve this harmony"

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