Latest Updates on COVID-19
Restrictions that have been imposed to localize the spread of COVID-19
Since September,28 air service has been recovered. Foreigners are permitted to enter Ukraine.
Public transport
All passengers are to wear masks. The number of passengers in the vehicle is to be equal to the number of seats.
All passengers are to wear masks. Passengers are required to keep distance of at least 1.5m while being in the carts, on escalators and on the platforms while waiting for the train.
Intercity transport
Connection is restored. In the regions with high infection rate only up to 10 people at a time can be transported.
Stores, pharmacies, petrol stations and banks
Operation is restored. Visitors are to wear masks at all times. Shopping malls and all shops that are trading with goods of non-essential nature will be closed during the weekends.
Only the outdoor terraces are allowed to be opened. The decision on the opening and closing of cafes is to be adopted by local authorities. Only take-away service is allowed during the weekends.
Sport clubs
The number of visitors should not exceed 1 person per 10 sq m in individual workout, and 5 sq m per person during team workouts (but up to 10 people in a group). Should be closed during the weekends.
Tours for groups up to 50 people, as well as indoor religious events are allowed, provided 1 person per 5 sq m.
Medical institutions
It is allowed to provide medical care: during childbirth, oncology patients, palliative care in hospital, other urgent measures of hospitalization and scheduled operations, in case of significant risk to life in a result of their rescheduling.
Educational institutions
2020/2021 academic year for students is being held in a remote format.