Problem Skin Treatment

Problem skin treatment is a rather longterm, systematic, step-by-step process, which includes special care and lifestyle correction.
Competent complex treatment of problem skin must necessarily take into account the cause of negative changes. Depending on the severity of the situation, a dermatologist-cosmetologist prescribes both the necessary examinations and therapy. Our clinic uses effective methods of problem skin treatment -  acne, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea. Our specialists develop an individual treatment program for each patient, combining local or systemic therapy with professional procedures (microdermabrasion, microcurrents, ELOS treatment, peeling, mesotherapy).
Also, problem skin treatment should be supported with proper hygienic care, and our specialist will do their best to help you select the products that will suit you best.

Acne, Post-Acne and Rosacea Treatment 

Acne is a disease associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. This problem spoils lifes of thousands of young people. Post acne scars are polymorphous and include superficial macules, dermal troughs, ice picks, multi-channelled fistulous tracts and subcutaneous atrophy. The wide variety of new methods includes the latest resurfacing tools such as CO(2) and erbium infrared lasers, dermasanding and possibly some future techniques such as non-ablative and radiofrequency resurfacing. Effective treatment of acne and post-acne always is strictly individual and is prescribed to the patient taking into account all the details of the disease.

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that typically affects the face. It results in redness, pimples, swelling, and small and superficial dilated blood vessels. Often, the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin are most affected. It proceeds in stages, the listed phenomena gradually increase, often accompanied by peeling of the skin, skin tightness and dryness.
This problem, unlike acne, manifests itself at a later age, and over the years it gets worse.

In our clinic, we developed effective schemes for managing such patients - they include specific products, sometimes the appointment of systemic treatment, physiotherapy and laser sessions - depending on the form and stage of the disease.

Benign Skin Lesions Removal

Benign skin lesions are common. These can include nevi (moles), papillomas, fibromas, keratomas, etc. They can be perceived as a cosmetic defect, cause an inconvenience or located in areas subject to accidental mechanical damage. To remove such lesions, liquid nitrogen is applied for about 10 seconds after which the affected area will fall off.

Alopecia Treatment

A wide range of procedures is used to treat alopecia such as peeling of the scalp, microdermabrasion, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, mesotherapy or revitalization of the scalp. Additionally, we offer effective home care products to complement the treatment to accelerate results. 

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