Liver Transplant

Since the early 1980s liver transplantation was acknowledged as a life-saving treatment and standard of care for many forms of end-stage liver disease. 

Initially, for all liver transplants deceased donor liver was used. As the number of patients awaiting transplantation began to increase, in order to meet these demands, living donor liver transplantation was developed and began with adults donating to children. It has since expanded to allow adults to donate to other adults.

A living donor liver transplantation is a surgery that removes a diseased or malfunctioning liver and replaces it with a portion of a healthy liver from a living donor. Due to the liver’s unique ability to regenerate, the partial livers of both the donor and recipient soon grow into complete organs.

A successful transplant gives the person who gets your new liver more years of life.

Living Related Liver Transplant in Adults and Children

Taking part of the liver is absolutely safe for the donor. It is the only organ in the human body that is capable of regeneration. In a few weeks, after surgery, the liver will reach its natural size and in about 6 months your liver will fully grow back after a living liver donation surgery.

The left lobe of the organ is usually used for transplantation. If the transplant is performed on a child, only a quarter of the liver is needed for a successful surgery.

As a rule, the donor is discharged one week after the surgery and in 14 days the patient will be able to return to homecountry country.

In order to become a living liver donor, you must meet the following requirements:

·        Be a willing adult between the age of 18 and 59, inclusive
·        Be in good general mental and physical health
·        Have no history of drug use, liver disease, HIV, or cancer
·        Have a blood type compatible with the recipient
·        Have a BMI less than or equal to 35 

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